Tuesday, December 21, 2004

kernels is extrodinary popcorn

man, today is a weird day. i woke up, decided to have a bath AND a shower. I was frickin freezing. I talked to sheri a bit on the phone and we decided to probably dick around tonight, go grab a coffee at second cup and whatever else we decide to do. So after that i got back into bed. and i was still freezing. Tonight i must remember to put and extra blanket on my bed. I fell asleep again for another 3 hours and got up around 3 (hey im milking my holidays for all they're worth)
but i had the most fucked up dream, i dreamed that my boyfriend was cheating on me with that actress from that gay ass show 'charmed,' marissa marciano or something. I was pissed right the fuck off. I'll spare u people the details cuz its just messed. But then it got me worrying, i always worry about that sorta thing, now its makin me a skeptic. oh well.
so tomorow me and brad will be goin on our date tomorow and we'll be exchangin gifts. I hope to god he likes what i got him. I wonder what he got me.
im munchin on some kernels popcorn that i got yesterday from the mall. Its quite good. Its called "christmas cheer" its got caramel flavor and cranberry i think it is.
okay im bored with this blog so im out.

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